Road trip itinerariesRoad trip itineraries

On the Road: the most panoramic roads in Emilia-Romagna

by /// May 30, 2024
Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Rays of sunshine, a breeze on the face, the smell of nature and clean air. On weekends when the weather is fine, motorcyclists feel the call of their bikes, wanting to get out of the garage and discover breathtaking views and kilometres to ride.

Below we suggest some of the most panoramic roads in Emilia-Romagna, perfect for motorcycling (or, why not, driving) to discover the region on your beloved two wheels, including tips for a few stops between culture and nature.

If you know of other panoramic roads, let us know in the comments!

SS 45 Val Trebbia

Brugnello (PC), Panorama sul Fiume Trebbia
Brugnello (PC), View above River Trebbia

From Rivergaro to Marsaglia, the route follows the course of the Trebbia River, passing through the historic village of Bobbio – one of the most beautiful villages in Italy, with its picturesque Devil’s Bridge – and the small hamlet of Brugnello, admiring the picturesque bends that the river draws in this stretch immersed in unspoilt nature.
If you want to extend the route, from Bobbio you can take the SS 461 to Passo Penice and then the SP 89 to Passo del Brallo, which will take you to Capanne di Cosola, a place where four regions meet: Liguria, Piedmont, Emilia Romagna and Lombardy.

SP 29 / SP 30 Province of Modena

Castello di Montecuccolo, Pavullo nel Frignano (MO) Ph. francesco de marco via shutterstock
Montecuccolo Castle, Pavullo nel Frignano (MO) Ph. francesco de marco via shutterstock

The route starts from the mountain village of Pavullo nel Frignano, where the Castle of Montecuccolo and the village of Lavacchio with its murals are well worth a visit; it then enters the Parco Regionale dell’Alto Appennino Modenese, crosses the valley of the Scoltenna stream and climbs to Sestola, a village on the slopes of Monte Cimone, where there is another panoramic Castle. You can choose to take the scenic SP 29 road, which passes through Gaiato with its tower, or the SP 30 road, which passes through the ancient Pieve di Renno.

SP 4 Fondovalle Panaro 

Modena, Parco dei Sassi di Roccamalatina Ph. Mari-J via shutterstock
Sassi di Roccamalatina Regional Park (MO) Ph. Mari-J via shutterstock

From the small town of Vignola, famous for its cherries and where you can visit the Rocca and the Palazzo Contrari-Boncompagni, with its magnificent spiral staircase designed by the Mannerist architect Jacopo Barozzi, you drive along the Panaro valley floor; as you climb towards the mountains, the orchards give way to meadows, gullies and woods until you reach the mountain town of Fanano, also known as the “town of stone”, with its well-preserved old town centre. Along the way, the view of the Sassi di Roccamalatina, sandstone formations that stand out against the gentle hills, is not to be missed.
If you wish, you can also make a detour to discover the Sassoguidano Nature Reserve: leave your bike or car in the park and continue on foot for a pleasant walk to the little San Paolo Church.

SS 610 Selice or Montanara Imolese

Bologna, Castel del Rio, Ponte Alidosi Ph. ermess via shutterstock
Castel del Rio (BO), Alidosi Bridge Ph. ermess via shutterstock

From Imola to Firenzuola, we ascend the Santerno river valley, passing through the historic village of Castel del Rio, immersed in woods and centuries-old chestnut groves; here a stop to admire the historic Ponte Alidosi, a hump-backed bridge, is a must, before setting off again towards Moraduccio, where we can stop for a rest along the river or to visit the nearby ghost town of Castiglioncello.

SP 72 Argine Agosta

Ferrara, Valli di Comacchio, Parco del Delta del Po, Ph. Francesco Scatena via shutterstock
Comacchio Valleys (FE), Po Delta Park Ph. Francesco Scatena via shutterstock

Starting from the enchanting lagoon town of Comacchio, this itinerary reaches the town of Sant’Alberto, skirting the Comacchio Valleys; the route is short but absolutely unique: a flat road that allows you to immerse yourself in the watery expanse of the Po Delta Park.
Before taking the ferry to Sant’Alberto, it is worth visiting the Boscoforte Peninsula (by leaving the motorbike or car and continuing on foot), an unspoilt stretch of land where it is possible to see flamingos and Camargue horses.

SP 302 Province of Ravenna

Ravenna, Brisighella Ph. StevanZZ via shutterstock
Brisighella (RA), Fortress Ph. StevanZZ via shutterstock

Starting from Faenza, the town of the famous Faenza ceramics, the route climbs, amid orchards and hills, along the Lamone river valley to the Tuscan town of Marradi.
Along the way, you must stop to visit the picturesque village of Brisighella, with its Rocca Manfrediana, the panoramic Clock Tower and the picturesque Via degli Asini (Donkey Street).
From Brisighella you can also make a detour through the Parco della Vena del Gesso Romagnola to Casola Valsenio, where you can visit the Garden of Forgotten Herbs.

SS 67 Tosco-Romagnola

Portico di Romagna, Bocconi, Ponte della Brusia Ph. romagnatoscanaturismo
Portico di Romagna (FC), Bocconi, Brusia Bridge Ph. romagnatoscanaturismo

From Castrocaro Terme to San Benedetto in Alpe, the route climbs towards the Casentino Forest National Park, along a road immersed in greenery that offers plenty of opportunities to stop and take a break.
Along the way, you will come across the towns of Dovadola, Rocca San Casciano, Portico di Romagna and Bocconi, where you should not miss the picturesque humpback Bridge at the Brusia waterfall.
Once in San Benedetto in Alpe, you can visit the ancient abbey built along the Sant’Antonio pilgrimage route and the Acquacheta waterfalls, which can be reached by taking an easy walk inside the National Park.


Elisa Mazzini

Social Media Manager for @inEmiliaRomagna and full-time mom.

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