Nature & OutdoorNature & Outdoor

Rivers and Lakes of Emilia Romagna

by /// July 26, 2024
Estimated reading time: 4 minutes



Green like the nature that surrounds us in spring, green like the cool shelter of the woods during the hot summer days, green like the cool waters of the lakes and rivers when the fine weather arrives.

During spring and summer weekends, Emilia Romagna offers places to relax in the midst of nature, far from the traffic and the hustle and bustle of the city. Among the valleys of the Apennines you can find the silence you are looking for and quickly reach the numerous rivers, streams and lakes, places at more or less altitude where you can sunbathe, enjoy the gentle coolness of the rivers and bathe in the clear waters of the lakes!


Brugnello, View of the Trebbia River
Brugnello, View of the Trebbia River

The province of Piacenza is famous for the clear waters of its rivers and the white sandy beaches on the banks of the Trebbia river.
The Trebbia river valley has the merit of being largely uncontaminated, and in particular the stretch of the upper course is one of the most evocative and uncontaminated valleys of the Apennines.

We would like to remind you that it is always a good idea to check with local tourist offices about the rules in force for bathing in watercourses.


Food and nature: this is one of the binomials that the province of Parma offers to those who wish to discover its secrets. We are in one of the capitals of the Food Valley, the birthplace of most of the region’s gastronomic excellence.

In this area we recommend a visit to the Taro Valley or the Ceno Valley.
Near the village of Varsi, it is possible to find places to relax in the shade of the many trees that cover the area, with the possibility of taking a regenerating bath in the Ceno river, or, going up the course of the Taro river, near Bedonia and Tornolo, you will find clean water and wonderful beaches that are worth discovering.

Lago Verde (PR) | Ph. Giorgio Tanzi
Lago Verde (PR) | Ph. Giorgio Tanzi

Also not to be missed are the lakes of the Upper Cedra Valley, some of which belong to the Regional Park of 100 Lakes and some to the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines National Park.
Here you can find water mirrors formed at the bottom of depressions (glacial cirques) carved out by the ice during the last glaciations, including Lake Ballano (1341 m asl, on the edge of which it is possible to find picnic and barbecue areas), Lake Verde (1507 m asl), the small Lake Frasconi (1600 m asl) and Lake Verdarolo (1388 m asl), to the more distant Lakes Scuro and Sguincio.
In particular, the Ballano and Verde lakes are two excellent starting points for excursions to discover the spectacular Tosco-Emiliano ridge.

Lago Santo Parmense (PR) | Ph. Ghelli91
Lago Santo Parmense (PR) | Ph. Ghelli91

Finally, in the upper Val di Parma, we would like to mention the two Lagoni lakes, located near the homonymous refuge, from which it is possible to reach other smaller lakes, and the Santo Parmense lake, the largest glacial lake in the province of Parma and in Emilia-Romagna, and also the largest natural lake in the entire northern Apennines, which can be easily reached from the Lagdei refuge, located a few kilometres from the village of Corniglio.

We would like to remind you that it is always a good idea to check with local tourist offices about the rules in force for bathing in watercourses.

Reggio Emilia

Ventasso (RE), Lago Calamone | Ph. Carlo Alberto Conti
Ventasso (RE), Lago Calamone | Ph. Carlo Alberto Conti

In the province of Reggio Emilia, it is possible to find refreshment in the hilly area of the Secchia and Enza rivers, while the lakes in the province of Reggio Emilia are all located at high altitudes.
Here we find Lake Calamone, also known as Lake Ventasso, located on the north-western slope of Mount Ventasso, in the municipality of Ramiseto.
It is one of the largest lakes in the province of Reggio Emilia, gently surrounded by vast beech and silver fir forests in an excellent state of conservation.

Monte Prado, Lago della Bargetana (RE) | Ph. marco61montefuso
Monte Prado, Lago della Bargetana (RE) | Ph. marco61montefuso

We are here in the territory of the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines National Park, where it is also possible to reach Lake Bargetana, situated in the spectacular basin of the northern slope of Mount Prado and whose shores are surrounded by green pastures.

We would like to remind you that it is always a good idea to check with local tourist offices about the rules in force for bathing in watercourses.


Lago della Ninfa | Ph. Comune Sestola
Lago della Ninfa | Ph. Comune Sestola

The Apennines of Modena are home to most of the highest peaks in the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines and therefore also to a large number of mountain lakes, hidden places to find refreshment after long walks in nature.

Among the many places to visit we recommend the Santo Modenese Lake and the Baccio Lake. Then there is lake Ninfa, in the Mount Cimone area, and Lake Scaffaiolo, accessible from both Croce Arcana, in the Modena area, and Corno alle Scale, in the Bologna area.

Lago Scaffaiolo (MO) | Ph. Massimiliano Galardi
Lago Scaffaiolo (MO) | Ph. Massimiliano Galardi

The list of Modenese lakes ends with Lake Torbido, which is only full in the spring, and Lake Turchino, a small lake in the High Modenese Apennines Regional Park (also known as Parco del Frignano).

Bathing is not normally permitted in any of the lakes in Modena, unless otherwise stated by the local authorities, who we recommend you contact for more information.


In the province of Bologna there are 3 rivers along which you can relax on hot spring and summer days:

  • the Savena River: along the Fondovalle Savena, especially between Pianoro Vecchio and Monzuno.
  • the Santerno River: along the SP610 Selice or Montanara Imolese road, near Borgo Tossignano, Castel del Rio (where you can admire the picturesque, humpback bridge Ponte Alidosi) and further on to the Moraduccio waterfall;
  • the Setta River: along the Porrettana road, before Sasso Marconi, near Sirano.
Lago di Suviana (BO) | Ph. BolognaWelcome
Lago di Suviana (BO) | Ph. BolognaWelcome

For those looking for places to enjoy the beauty of fresh water, we also recommend the two splendid basins created for hydroelectric purposes: Lake Suviana and Lake Brasimone, within the Regional Park of the same name.

In this case, too, it is recommended to check with the local tourist offices for information on the regulations in force regarding bathing in the water.


Portico di Romagna, Bocconi, Ponte della Brusia Ph. romagnatoscanaturismo
Portico di Romagna, Bocconi, Ponte della Brusia Ph.

In the provinces of Forlì and Cesena, we recommend the River Montone, in particular near the Brusia Bridge in Bocconi, between Portico di Romagna and San Benedetto in Alpe, and the River Rabbi near Premilcuore, where the Sega waterfall is located.


Walter Manni

Explorer and Adventurer: loves sailing the oceans, climbing the highest mountains and surfing on the waves of the web

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