The summer is almost over and the weather is changing…that said, there is nothing better than a nice plate of potato-stuffed Tortelli!
Today I wanted to create them in a different shape, to let the kids have some fun as they resemble many small suns.
Let’s make them together!
Tortelli Ph. FedeCortezzi
Tortelli Ph. FedeCortezzi
Tortelli Ph. FedeCortezzi
Tortelli Ph. FedeCortezzi
• 360g of 00 flour (normally 1 egg for 100g of flour, but I prefer keeping the dough softer)
• 4 medium size eggs
• 1kg of Potatoes
• 50g of Parmigiano Reggiano cheese, grated
• salt to taste
• Freshly ground nutmeg to taste
Serve it with your favourite sauce or (most common one) ragù Bolognese and Parmigiano Reggiano cheese.
Place the potatoes, no skin, in a large pan and steam (no contact with water to avoid too much liquid later on).
Place over a medium heat and bring to a boil. Cook the potatoes until tender all the way through.
Drain, while they are still hot, pass through a potato ricer into a bowl.
Mix the potato mash with Parmigiano Reggiano cheese, pinch of salt and nutmeg.
Cover with a towel and leave to cool.
Next, begin by making the pasta dough. Pour the flour into a work surface and make a volcano in the centre. Crack the 4 eggs into the well and stir with a fork to combine. Once the eggs are mixed into the flour, use your hands to knead the dough until it becomes smooth and elastic (about 10 minutes).
Wrap the dough in cling wrap and let it rest for at least 30 minutes.
Stir the potato filling and transfer to a piping bag (or using a tablespoon and a fork).
Unwrap the dough and flatten it till 2mm thick with a rolling pin.
Pipe a small amount of filling (around a teaspoon) making lines leaving about 3cm in between them.
Fold the sheet of pasta into itself to form small pockets. Press down the pasta in between heaps of filling to remove any air bubbles. Then, using a pasta cutter (see the one I am using today in the picture) cut out the tortelli using pressure.
Bring a large pot of salted water to a rolling boil. Add the tortelli and cook until they start to float.
Drain them and transfer to a saucepan. Use the sauce you prefer and enjoy your Tortelli!
Today’s sauce to pair: “Stridoli”
Today I have chosen STRIDOLI SAUCE (Silene Vulgaris) that I have previously made fresh and put in the freezer since time was tight! Remember that once you collect the Bladder (normally springtime) make the sauce and freeze it straight away so you can use it during the next months as per need like I do.
Wash the stridoli leaves in water and baking soda (a pinch). Rinse them.
Meanwhile put 1-2 cloves of garlic (I have used wild garlic here) and half cup of olive oil in a fry pan and sautè them for 30 to 45 seconds with pancetta (or bacon) cubes.
Remove the garlic.
Now add the stridoli leaves and sautè them for 2 minutes till the leaves become cooked.
Now the sauce is ready (salt to taste).
Fede’s Food Blog
Passionate for food & travel, I loved living in China for 12 years and exploring a different culture. I had the opportunity to discover new flavors and unknown ingredients in the cooking process and became inspired in my own recipes. Tradition though is still an important part of my life. Tradition is the origin of my passion, it’s where everything came from: looking at my Nonna cooking in a tiny kitchen in a little village in Italy’s Emilia-Romagna Region is where my love of food was born.
Communication is another important asset of my philosophy: I love photography. I believe images have strong communication power in creating emotions. That’s why recipes will always be introduced by photos of my creations. Looking at pictures of my dishes will be a travel in time and space, entering the kitchen and enjoying the taste of authentic Italian creations.
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