Food ValleyFood Valley

Tales from the FoodValley | Episode 3: Spaghetti by Massimiliano Poggi

by /// August 31, 2021
Estimated reading time: < 1 minute



Have you always wanted to take cooking lessons with the greatest chefs from Emilia-Romagna? Now you can!

Tales from the FoodValley is a small series of 4 videos, made in collaboration with the association Chef to Chef – Emilia Romagna Cuochi, dedicated to some of the local dishes and products, created directly by the hands of some of the greatest regional chefs, and explained by them step by step, in order to repeat the recipes at home.

In this third episode Massimiliano Poggi, Chef of the namesake restaurant in the countryside of Bologna, prepares a first course, Spaghetti, seasoned with the Onion of Medicina in two cookings.
The Onion of Medicina is a traditional product, today protected by a Consortium, which has been cultivated for centuries (the first evidence dates back to the end of the 13th century) in the Bologna’s countryside.


Elisa Mazzini

Social Media Manager for @inEmiliaRomagna and full-time mom.

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