Food ValleyFood Valley

On August 4th a Food Night to celebrate Pellegrino Artusi

by /// August 31, 2021
Estimated reading time: 3 minutes



If you’re a real connaisser of Italy you will know that almost everyone here, on the shelves above the stove, has the Artusi manual “Science in the kitchen and the art of eating well”. This recipe book, the first dedicated to Italian cuisine as a whole, collects and synthesizes the many gastronomic traditions that you can meet along the Italian “boot”, thanks to the scrupulous work of research and selection of dishes that the famous gastronomist Pellegrino Artusi made during the nineteenth century and that earned him the recognition of father of Italian cuisine.

In this 2018, which is the Year of Italian Food, Artusi is the symbol of a national unity that passes through good food, between authenticity and differences, traditions and modernity.
To him, and to the typical Italian conviviality that he represents, we want to pay tribute on the next 4th of August, the day of birth of Artusi in Forlimpopoli 198 years ago, with a long Food White Night (Notte Bianca del Cibo), throughout Italy and beyond!

Below we list the many not-to-be-missed initiatives taking place in Emilia-Romagna:

August 4th | Forlimpopoli, the birthplace of Pellegrino Artusi

  • the third summer stage of Tramonto DiVino, the festival of taste in which the AIS sommeliers present the best wines of the food guide “Emilia-Romagna da bere e da mangiare” in combination with the most famous DOP and PGI products of the region
  • a show-cooking (h. 6.30 pm) with Chef Paolo Teverini
  • an Outdoor dinner, with tables along the streets of the village, with dishes from the Artusi manual
  • 3 exhibitions with free evening opening dedicated in various ways to the theme of food
  • live music with the Forlimpopoli Folk Music School
  • theatrical readings from the Artusi manual
  • educational workshops by Gelato Museum

4th and 5th August | Bologna FICO Eataly World, the largest food park in the world

  • recipes from the Artusi manual in the rest spots
  • the photographic exhibition “Pellegrino Artusi e l’unità italiana in cucina”
  • demonstrations of fresh handmade pasta by the Mariette of CasaArtusi
  • 4 Aperitifs with Crime in 4 restaurants: narrative interventions taken from the book “Brividi a cena. Misteri e manicaretti con Pellegrino Artusi” with final tasting

August 4 | Grand Hotel Rimini

  • a buffet dinner in the hotel garden with recipes from the Artusi manual by Chef Claudio di Bernardo
  • demonstrations of fresh handmade pasta by the Mariette of CasaArtusi
  • the exhibition “Il cibo nei disegni di Federico Fellini”

August 4 | Emilia Destination and Castles of the Duchy of Parma and Piacenza

“Notturni stellati omaggiano la cucina dell’Artusi”: show-cooking, tastings and dinners with a menu based on Artusi’s recipes in the following places:

1 – 10 August | Romagna Destination

Dinners with dishes from the Artusi manual in the Osterie and events on the territory, from the Adriatic coast to the Apennine hills:

  • August 1st at Bertinoro: jazz meets Romagna wine
  • August 3rd in Cesenatico: wine and Mariette di CasaArtusi
  • August 4th at Coriano: themed dinners and tastings under the stars by the restaurateurs of the area
  • August 4th at Mercato Saraceno: themed food and shows with the Saracen Night
  • August 4th in Comacchio: White Night of Food in Jazz
  • August 3rd-5th in the Este Palace of Belriguardo: Artusi recipes starring garlic for the Aglio di Voghiera DOP fair
  • August 10th in Bagno di Romagna: White Dinner in the streets of the historic center to celebrate Pellegrino Artusi

August 4 | Taste Museums

August 4 | Regional Enoteca Emilia-Romagna in Dozza

Opening to the public of the Regional Enoteca from 9.30 am to 1 pm and from 2.30 pm to 7 pm, with the possibility of wine tastings and guided tastings (by reservation).

August 4 | Themed dinners

Dinners with recipes from the Artusi manual:

The 29 hotels associated with Cesenatico Bellavita, moreover, offer to their guests the “Italian Soup n.675” from the Artusian manual.

August 4 | Case of Memory Association

Extraordinary evening openings of:

The official hashtags of the evening are: #annodelciboitaliano #artusi and #nottedelcibo;
For more info, see and


Elisa Mazzini

Social Media Manager for @inEmiliaRomagna and full-time mom.

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