Art & CultureArt & Culture

Wiki Loves Emilia-Romagna 2018: the selected photos

by /// August 31, 2021
Estimated reading time: < 1 minute



Also this year, for the 7th consecutive year, Wiki Loves Monuments, the photo contest that invites citizens to immortalize their cultural heritage, has been very successful throughout Italy and in Emilia-Romagna.
Regarding the Emilia-Romagna Region alone, in fact, over 3.300 photos were uploaded by photographers who took part proposing their views of the art cities, of villages and castles, of the natural parks and the riviera.
Since it would be impossible to show them all here, we propose the images related to our region that have been selected among the finalists of the Italian edition:

  • Bologna, Basilica di San Luca, Ph. Vanni Lazzari
  • Bologna, Basilica di San Luca, Ph. Gianni Careddu
  • Bologna, Basilica di San Luca, Ph. Vanni Lazzari
  • Provincia di Bologna, Rocchetta Mattei, Ph. Angelo Nastri Nacchio
  • Brisighella, Torre dell’Orologio, Ph. Nbisi
  • Brisighella, Torre dell’Orologio, Ph. Vanni Lazzari
  • Brisighella, Rocca Manfrediana, Ph. Lorenzo Gaudenzi
  • Brisighella, Torre dell’Orologio in mezzo alla tempesta, Ph. Umberto Paganini Paganelli
  • Terme di Riolo, Ph. Luca Rontini
  • Castello di Levizzano in estate, Ph. Angelo Nastri Nacchio
  • Castello di Levizzano sotto la neve, Ph. Luca Nacchio
  • Rimini, Fontana dei quattro cavalli sotto la neve, Ph. Gianluca Moretti
  • Castello di Torrechiara, Ph. Gianni Pezzani
  • Rocca di Vignola, Ph. Angelo Nastri Nacchio
  • Rocca di Vignola, Ph. Angelo Nastri Nacchio
  • Comacchio, Loggiato dei Cappuccini, Ph. Pzph
  • Comacchio, Palazzo Bellini, Ph. Vanni Lazzari
  • Comacchio, Ponte San Pietro, Ph. Vanni Lazzari
  • Comacchio nell’ora blu, Ph. Vanni Lazzari
  • Comacchio al tramonto, Ph. Vanni Lazzari
  • Comacchio, Trepponti in bianco e nero, Ph. Vanni Lazzari
  • Valli di Comacchio in bianco e nero, Ph. Vanni Lazzari

The finalist photos of the Italian edition, together with the finalist photos of the other nations, will then be judged by the international jury, which will crown the most beautiful images on a global level.
As our readers will already know, Wiki Loves Monuments is “the largest photo contest in the world”, given that it takes place simultaneously in over 50 countries, and it is organized by Wikimedia in order to extend the photographic heritage of the great free encyclopedia, heritage that everyone can freely use.
All the photographs collected within the contest are in fact released under a Creative Commons free license and given to the community by publishing them on Wikimedia Commons, the large Wikipedia multimedia database. Thus, also you can reuse these images, just remember to put the credits to the author’s name!


Elisa Mazzini

Social Media Manager for @inEmiliaRomagna and full-time mom.

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